Dr. Sean Peters, D.C.
2 min readAug 27, 2018


A look into chiropractic care for pregnant woman and new-born infants

Many woman tend to experience low back or pelvic pain throughout pregnancy due to hormonal changes, which cause an increased laxity of tendons and ligaments. This happens as a way for the body to prepare the birth canal and pelvis for the child-birth process. A negative side-effect of this process, however, is a tendency for the pelvis, sacrum, and or lumbar spine to lose their structural integrity and shift or rotate out of their proper alignments. The result is usually some form of low back and/or hip pain. Chiropractic care can be very beneficial to expecting mothers throughout their term as it is a gentle and effective way to correct the structural alignment and reduce or alleviate pain in a very natural and safe way.

All Doctors of Chiropractic go through training as part of their curriculum in the treatment of pregnant woman and infants, and many continue that education further by obtaining a certification in the Webster technique; a technique used by chiropractors to help a fetus maintain the ideal orientation within the uterus.

This image shows the ideal position of an fetus within the womb. The head is oriented downward and emerges first during birth.

A breech birth is a presentation of the fetus in a flipped position where the feet would emerge first and often leads to a c-section birth as a precaution to avoid injuries to both the fetus and the mother. The Webster technique is specifically utilized for correcting improper positions of the fetus and allowing the unborn infant to correct its own positioning. This is done with a few simple maneuvers that include releasing tension of the round ligaments of the mother, which may prevent the baby from achieving the ideal position due to limited space for his/her head.

I recommend all pregnant woman should try chiropractic. It’s amazing what kind of results I see in the clinical setting from women before and after chiropractic care as they go through their pregnancy. Many women who have had previous children, but are trying chiropractic for the first time say that they wish they would have known sooner how much this treatment method is able to help alleviate the standard pains of pregnancy.

P.S. And don’t forget that new-born infants can often experience physical traumas during the birthing process and that chiropractic care is also safe and effective for them as well.



Dr. Sean Peters, D.C.

Doctor of Chiropractic at Auslander Health Solutions in Mt. Lebanon, Pittsburgh, PA