How The Surface EMG Scan Indicates A Need For Chiropractic Care

Dr. Sean Peters, D.C.
3 min readMar 1, 2021

Do you suffer from chronic muscle tension? Many people deal with this everyday because of the demands of their job or daily routine. Whether it’s from sitting at a computer all day at work or lifting and moving heavy objects, the muscles can begin to fatigue or become hyperactive. Most people just deal with the stiffness or pain that this causes, but what’s really concerning is that the muscle tension is actually an indicator that a more serious problem with the spine is present.

Muscles that are in spasm or are experiencing higher or lower levels of tension than normal will appear on the scan as seen in the image below. There’s a high correlation between abnormal readings on the scan and the presence of spinal subluxations. A spinal subluxation is the term used by chiropractors to describe a misalignment in the spine, which causes restricted mobility and pressure or tension on the spinal nerves. It’s that immobility and nerve irritation which causes painful symptoms and muscle tension. Spinal subluxations are the root cause of the problem and ultimately need to be corrected in order to fix the issue.

The surface EMG scan, or sEMG, is a great diagnostic tool that allows doctors to measure the amount of muscle tension or imbalance between the left and right sides of the spine. It does this by using a device that measures the electrical signals produced by the muscles as they contract. A very basic explanation is that high levels of spasm will appear as a red bar on the scan; weakened or fatigued muscles will show up as yellow or purple; and normal muscle activity will be displayed as a green bar.

Using sEMG differs from traditional EMG scans because it is non-invasive. Traditional EMG scans involve a needle electrode that has to be inserted into the muscle, but the sEMG is pain-free and uses a scanner that detects the electrical activity of muscles from the surface of the skin. Another benefit of the sEMG is that a typical scan of the entire spine only takes about 2 minutes.

At our office in Pittsburgh, PA we use an sEMG scan made by MyoVision. There are a number of different options on the market, but we’ve found MyoVision to be the best. With an FDA-approved wireless scanning device and integrated software program it provides a very accurate reading and allows us to share the scan results with our patients at the click of a button. If you are interested in having a scan done and curious to find out how we can help you, you can call us to schedule a free consultation or visit the MyoVision website to find another doctor near you who offers this service.

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Dr. Sean Peters, D.C.

Doctor of Chiropractic at Auslander Health Solutions in Mt. Lebanon, Pittsburgh, PA